Bloody things!
In Turkey you cannot get paid into any bank, your employer tells you which bank to use.
Every month we have to wait for our salary to move from one bank to the other.
We do our banking with a supposedly better bank. However, they have just merged and become crappier than crap!
Without warning our telephone and Internet codes are no longer valid and we need to go to our own branch to get new codes. Of course, the bank is closed at lunch time and not open at the weekend. This is not a little branch either. It is one of the super dooper all-singing-all-dancing (never open and always busy) branches!
I am on holiday at the mo, doing all those shit jobs that you never have time to do normally - tailor, dry cleaning, cobbler, banks... (strange list!) So off to the bank I went, got my number and on the bottom of the slip it said in snide little letters "there are 67 people in front of you". OK so take a few off for those who take a number for each of the selections available (come on!! if I can work it out with my shit Turkish, surely they can, too!!!) that means there's still loads of people in front of me!! Thank God for the I-Pod!!!
To top it off our health insurance is also done by our bank and they like to take the premium a couple of times a month - just for the practice of taking out money and putting it back again it seems. We cancelled the direct debit but this just seems to encourage them! So of course they took it twice this month meaning there was not enough money in the account to pay the electricity standing order! So now I'll no doubt get a fine for not paying my bill, a fine for not having enough money in my account when a standing order comes and I need to go to the electricity shop to pay the bill since banks will only do it by standing order!!! AAARRGGHHHHH
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People should read this.
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