Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas over...

Had a great time over Christmas. Mum was here so got double spoilt! and looked after and cooked for. Basically I have had a wonderful week. I have loads of face packs and chocolate (I see the connection now!)

Umut pulled out all the stops and I am now the proud owner of EVERYTHING!!!! We need a bigger house!!

Unfortunately back the the stresses of work today. It is the year 3 play tomorrow and Thursday night and peps (NOT I!!) are getting very stressed about it. Deary me! I always thought that school plays were ways for children to have fun with what they had learnt - seem to have got that very wrong... Never mind it is snowing now. I could pray for a snowday!

Hope all had a great Christmas and that you are all warm and well!

New Photos

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