Have been here just about a month now and beginning to get it.
Getting around is quite easy and folks are so helpful = not like Ankara where people just stare!! In fact, a notable absence of staring - thank fuck!!! - odd, Ive just noticed that peps here don't stare... (should I worry - have i lost it?) Anyway enough of the staring thing.
Living next to the motorway - cannot be healthy, slowly trying to fill the house with plants in a blond attempt to negate the fumes - no idea if it will work but looks good and makes me feel a bit better so who cares. However, the motorway and the ability to flag a bus down on the motorway (and to walk along the motorway if you like) means I can get anywhere fast! Though I have not really gone anywhere. Still haven't gone over to the other european side no boat trips or anything.
Finally up and running though on the internet front took a while because
Moved to temporary accomodation when we first got here - a tiny flat in a cool location in Acibadem. we didn't do anything there cos we knew we would be moving. Then we moved to a not so cool flat in a horrid area with the world's most noisy dogs and no heating!! for crying out loud it had a stove thing in the living room - very village meets city and hnot in a good way. AND We could hardly ourselves think over the noise from the street and don't get me strarted on the nights when Fener were playing at home - that close to the stadium. Started to get things going there - phone, digital TV etc and then we moved YIPPEE.
Now we have a home - finally. more about that later.
The area is alright. A short walk to school and a market on a thursday so lots of yummy fresh fruit and veg.
School... My voice box is buggered!!! The kids like to talk talk talk and it doesn't seem to matter what I do (or anyone else it seems) they do not want to listen. Makes teaching a challenge but it is anyway!
Im also teaching in the nursery which is cool - the age goup i like working with.
Today is a holiday - Saving of Istanbul Day. We we are off today but back to school tomorrow to meet the parents. I am giving a presentation too!! presenting what the yabancis (foreigners) do. Need to dress smartly and get my hair done (argh!!!)